BOOT 001 Spells
BRMB 5240 Spells
k Nearest Neighbours | Parseltongue
Regression 2 | Regression 2 Lite
Statistical Inference | Statistical Inference Lite
BUAN 4310 Spells
Classification Tree | Parseltongue
Hierarchical Clustering (long)
Hierarchical Clustering (short) | Parseltongue
Interactive Data Visualisations
Introduction to Preliminary Data Exploration
k Nearest Neighbours 2 | Parseltongue
k Nearest Neighbours Regression
Linear Regression with Transformation
Linear Regression with Transformation (ML)
Logistic Regression 2 | Logistic Regression (short) | Parseltongue
Non-Hierarchical Clustering | Parseltongue
Regression Tree | Parseltongue
Regression Tree (Extended) | Parseltongue